Monday, May 14, 2012

Mothers Day

So I had a busy mother’s day and didn’t get a chance to post about my gratitude for mothers.  First off I want to say that I have multiple mother figures in my life and I am grateful for all of them.

I have an awesome mom.  We have gone through lots of ups and downs in our relationship but I always know she loves me and I love her.  I am living back at home now and I have gained so much more respect for my mom and all the sacrifices that she makes for her family.  She is very selfless and is always willing to lend a helping hand.  She has been such a big help with Kirra and I am glad that they are able to build a relationship.  I love my mom so much and I am glad I have her in my life now to help me to be a better mom now.

I also have an awesome mother in law.  She did a great job raising her boys.  Trevor is the best husband and father and he takes great care of us and is very sensitive to our feelings.  I know that one of the main reasons he is that way is because he had great mom.  I love that my mother in law is so caring.  She is always thinking of others.  She remembers everyones birthday’s and makes every holiday a day worth celebrating.  She has been with me every time I needed her since Trevor and I got married and I love that I can depend on her that way.  I am so glad that Kirra has two amazing grandmothers!  They are both great examples of they type of mom I want to become.

Finally I am grateful for Kirra.  She made me a mommy!!  I feel so lucky to be her mom.  She is such a bight star in my life.  Even if I am having a terrible day, Kirra will come over and give me her goofy little smile and make everything so much better.  I love that this little girl depends on me for so much and I love that she has changed my perspective on motherhood so much.  I had this idea of the type of mother I would be and then Kirra came and it taught me so much.  She has softened my heart in more ways than one and I really do feel lucky to be her mom.

So Happy mother’s day to all the wonderful mom’s out there.  It may not be the highest paying job but it is the best job.

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