Thursday, July 5, 2012

4th of July

Our original plan for the 4th of July did not work out.  Trevor had was supposed to have the day off but because of the monster storm that hit, he had to work.  Luckily for us we got an invite from our friends the Whittier’s to go to their house for a cook out.  It turned out to be really fun.  They had a really fun slip and slide, corn holes, bocce ball, lots of good food and some fun fireworks.  It was a great way to celebrate our country’s independence.

Kirra loves the four wheeler.  She is always using her cuteness and charm to convince her uncles or dad to give her  a ride.

MMM...fourth of July food.

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The water was freezing but refreshing on such a hot day.

These boys spent a lot of time filling up these balloons for a water balloon fight.

They had a pretty full bucket.  Once the fight started though the bucket did not last long.

Corn holes is by far one of my favorite games.

Everyone was having fun on the trampoline.

Kirra loves slides.  She will go down them a hundred times and does not care how high they are.

The Whittiers have a slide build right off their deck so you don’t even have to take the stairs down.  Kirra thought it was the best thing ever.

The ladies trying to stay dry.

This one was after the water fight.

Kirra HATES fireworks.  She cries the whole time and holds onto me as tight as she can.   Poor girl is traumatized I think.

We had a lot of fun with the glow sticks.

It was a really fun night and I am glad we had good friends to celebrate with.  I love this summer and I feel like it is going way to fast.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha, Kai hates them too! We miss you guys, but it looks like you're having TONS of fun!
