Monday, August 27, 2012

Part two-Weekend Fun!

We woke up after our night of fun and decided we wanted to do some hiking.  We got all packed up and headed out to Great Falls.  It was so much fun.  We did the Billy Goat trail which basically consists of climbing up a bunch of rocks.  It was so much fun to do with friends though.  We just talked about life and future plans and enjoyed the beautiful scenery along the potomac river.  We stopped along the way so the boys could jump off some rocks into the water and Kirra could play by the shore.  Little did we know that you are not actually supposed to swim in the river.  I am glad we missed that sign because the boys had a lot of fun climbing the rocks and trying to find higher places to jump.  Sutton and I both agreed that if we lived closer we we do stuff like hiking and exercising a lot more often and we would both be in a lot better shape.  Trevor confirmed that on the way home when he said the same thing so I am pretty sure its time we live closer to each other.  Anyway we made it all the way to Great Falls which is a beautiful view and then we decided it was time to get some food.  No one really wanted to make a decision about lunch so I made if for them and we went to delicious Cafe Rio.  It was so yummy and really hit the spot.  They also have a new mint limeade that I am in love with.  Surprisingly Trevor is not a fan.  It is usually the opposite with things like that.
After our bellies were full we headed home and relaxed while watching a few episodes of Parks and Rec and I eventually fell asleep.  It was nice to have Sutton to play with Kirra while I took a nap.  Sutton’s family has a dog (Bear) that Kirra loves and she stayed up crying all night because I would not let her go upstairs and play with him.  When I woke up we were hanging out listening to music and Trevor and I were trying to decide if we wanted to head home.  We decided we needed to feed Kirra first which turned into another 4 hours of fun.  The girls stayed inside making mac and cheese and watching funny video’s while the boys went outside to make a fire for smores.  When we finally went outside to enjoy the fire the boys had made it started raining and Kirra was getting fussy so we ate our smores, hung out for a while and the girls headed inside.  The boys stayed outside talking and we stayed inside watching Justin Bieber music videos and talking about how we would use Kirra to trick him into giving us free concert tickets or maybe just inviting us to his house.  It is so fun to do dumb girly stuff with friends that will be silly with you.  We also used Sutton’s computer to take funny fat pictures of ourselves.  It was such a fun day and we did so much in such a short time.  What made it even better is that Trevor and I BOTH had a great time and got to do things we enjoy.  It was such a fun weekend and we did so much in the short time we were there.  I can’t wait until our next time hanging out!
Kirra know’s how to hike!

This is embarrassing but it was a pretty steep hill.  There was a couple ladies  at the top cheering me on.

that is where the boys were jumping

Kirra playing by the water

Takin a little nap 

We had a great view

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