Ok So I thought I would finally post about Kirra's birth since she is 4 months old today. Kirra Bailey Martinez was born at 8:50 pm on May 23, 2011. I got induced at around 9 in the morning that same day. My mom, Trevor, and Trevor's mom were all hanging out with me while i was waiting to dilate. We talked and played games for a few hours until my contractions got too bad and then I asked for the drug doctor to come in and make the pain go away. When the anesthesiologist came in my mom told him that Trevor was studying to become a nurse anesthetist so he decided to give Trevor a little lesson. While I was squeezing my mom's hand the drug doctor was telling Trevor what ligaments he had to break through in order to make the epidural work. It was a little scary but no where near as bad as I thought it would be. I was really happy when it started working. The rest was just waiting....and waiting...and waiting. I was so excited when the nurse came in and checked me and told me I was 10 cm dilated and it was time to push. Little did I know that it would take almost 2 hours of pushing to get my little stinker here. As soon as she came out I was smitten. She was adorable. Actually one of my first thoughts was she was a pretty good mix of her two cousins Jillian and Grace. It was really surreal to have her here finally. Everyone in the room of course instantly swarmed to her and left me to get stitched up. There were a lot of tears of joy and everyone had their camera phones out taking pictures. It was great to have everyone there and then a few minutes after she was born the nurse chased everyone out and it was just Trevor and I. A new Mom and Dad left all alone. It felt great
Our new Family!!
So much emotion...Mostly feeling relief from the pain and trying to figure out who she looks like.
So...Trevor and me squeezed into this bed together one night and Trev had Kirra on his chest. He has these like weird spasms right when he is almost asleep so I was nervous about him sleeping with her. Sure enough he had one, so I kicked him out. It was a lot easier to share the bed with just Kirra. Except for the fact that I kept thinking I would squish her.