Sunday, June 3, 2012

Kirra Bailey is 1!!!!!

My little Kirra Bell is one year old!  I don’t know why I have avoided blogging about her birthday.  I think it is because it was such a stressful day that I did not want to relive it.  The original plan was to get everything done and ready the week before Kirra’s birthday so I could just enjoy the day with her.  What actually happened is that I waited until the day OF her birthday and I was running on 3 hours of sleep trying to make everything perfect.  The night before her birthday I could not sleep because I kept thinking of everything I wanted to get done.  I woke up at 6 in the morning and started making the filling for my cake.  I was going to make a fondant cake but I made a practice one and no one liked it.  No one in my family is a fan of fondant.  I decided to make a cake that everyone would enjoy.  I ended up doing a cookies and cream butter cream filling.  It was pretty yummy and only took about half and hour to make.  Then with all my left over fondant I was going to make a ballerina for the top of the cake.  It took me about 2 hours.  Part of the problem was that the air conditioner in our house was being repaired so it was really hot and the fondant kept melting.  Also Kirra kept sticking her fingers in the food coloring and then I would get it on my hands and then I would smear it on my ballerina and have to start all over.  I finally finished it though and it turned out much better than I expected.  Then I had to make the icing.  I knew I wanted to do little rosettes with the frosting so I had to make it kind of stiff.  I don’t really like super sweet icing and wanted to do something other than butter cream.  I decided to do cream cheese.  It was a disaster.  I added lots of cream cheese but you could not taste is because I had to add so much powdered sugar to thicken up my frosting....Needless to say it was basically pure sugar and not really my taste.  So in the pictures the cake looks pretty awesome but it only tasted mediocre.  After I finished everything and put it all together I decided that I hate making cakes and I am spending the 40 dollars or however much it costs to buy all birthday cakes for the rest of my life.  Then I spent an hour decorating.  By the time I got everything ready and took some pictures of my one year old, it was time for everyone to come over and I really missed her birthday.  I decided that all that stuff was really for me and not her.  She would have been happy going to the park all day.  It was fun to have Kirra’s friends over later and open presents.  Kirra got a LOT of baby dolls which she loved.  She wanted to get them out of the box the second she saw them.  She also got a bunch of cute clothes.  I decided though that I really celebrated her birthday the next day.  We filled up her baby pool and spent the whole day outside playing together and it was a great day.

                                                        This girl loves picking flowers
                                                        And she takes it very seriously
                                                  It looks like she’s saying, “I’m 1!"


  1. You did a wonderful job on her cake! Very impressive :) She is such a doll and I am so glad she had a wonderful time on her birthday!!

  2. Who cares about the taste, it's all about the look of the cake anyway ;) haha. No seriously, it looks awesome. Love that little girl, and miss you guys like crazy! You're such a good mom.
