Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Am I a bad mom?

I was asking myself this question a few days ago.  Kirra was playing on the steps that lead down to the garden.  I was sitting on the top step and my mom was in the garden.  On the last step Kirra lost her balance and fell face first into the dirt.  Not only did her face hit the dirt but she did a sort of did a summersault  and her neck was bent in all sorts of weird ways.  After I got her up to see if she was okay, my first instinct was not to go for the first aid kit but to grab my camera.  I’m sure there is something wrong with this thought process but at least every thing in her life will be caught on camera:)


  1. If you knew she was okay, than grab the camera. There are sometimes b takes some hard spills, and my first reaction us to laugh. You knew she was okay, and now she will have awesome pictures to go with your story! Love it.

  2. Haha, she's a tough girl! Jilly's falls don't phase me too much because there are so many of them and she always jumps right up!
